Ocean of Dust【電子書籍】[ Graeme Ing ]


<p>Lissa is press-ganged to serve as a slave on a trading ship traveling on a waterless ocean of nothing but fine gray dust. A feisty, curious and intelligent girl, her desire to explore the ship earns her the hatred of the cruel first officer, Farq.</p> <p>Fascinated by the ocean of dust, Lissa becomes embroiled in its mysteries, sensing things the crew cannot, while cryptic whispers in her head urge her toward a destiny linked to the dust itself. Only one man aboard can help her make sense of her new talent, but can she trust him?</p> <p>When a sinister plot casts her adrift on the barren ocean, everything hinges upon her courage, quick wits, and her ability to master her bizarre link with the dust and the scary creatures that live in it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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